
SST Muzzleloading Bullets

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  • Regular price $31.99

Saskatoon - 10 available
2412 Millar Avenue Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 2Y4
Swift Current - 0 available
1061 Central Avenue North 1 Swift Current, Saskatchewan S9H 4Y9
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Hornady SST Muzzleloading Bullets

Low Drag Sabot & Speed Sabot

The SST®-ML™ is a phenomenal muzzleloading option and an excellent choice for long range blackpowder hunters.

Other "easy-load" bullets often fail to properly engage the rifling, which does not effectively stabilize the bullet and, as a result, accuracy suffers. But Hornady® sabots fully engage the rifling to keep the SST®-ML™ centered and sealed during firing, allowing for maximum velocity and unparalleled long range performance. Upon impact, the Flex Tip® is compressed into the front of the bullet, causing the bullet to expand. The speed sabot features a fumble-free method of pre-loading pellets.

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