Carlton's Calls

Herd Bull Triple Reed Elk Diaphragm Call

  • Sale
  • Regular price $11.99
  • 4 available

Saskatoon - 4 available
2412 Millar Avenue Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 2Y4
Swift Current - 0 available
1061 Central Avenue North 1 Swift Current, Saskatchewan S9H 4Y9
Call to order and ship from Swift Current

Carlton's Calls Herd Bull Triple Reed Elk Diaphragm Call

Experience Triple Brown Power.  The Herd Bull Triple Reed is one of the strongest, loudest, most durable elk diaphragms ever built.  It produces deep, nasally cow calls and loud, deep-tone elk bugles. Blow as hard as you want and it will keep on blowing. Its three thin reeds withstand the stress of mixing it up with the most aggressive bulls.

Made from durable Infinity Latex®, it absorbs significantly less moisture for the longest-lasting performance. If you’re going to use diaphragms to call elk, use the ones designed by the man who revolutionized the art of calling elk.

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